Pastors Message – March/April, 2018
Dear Dear Friends,
We are well into the somber season of Lent, but a joyous early Easter is around the corner, and of course Spring is on the way!! And I am aware of a renewed energy and sense of purpose growing here at First Presbyterian Church Big Flats.
Yes, you are in transition, the Pastor Nominating Committee is hard at work, and you could be just sitting back and anxiously waiting, but that is not your way. No, not at all. The past Session meeting made that perfectly clear. There is work to be done, people to be cared for, love to be shown, here and now.
It reminds me of one long cold snowy winter in Boston as I walked by the Public Garden. It was early March and Spring seemed so far away. The Garden looked so lifeless and bleak beneath the gray sky. But I had just read of the thousands of bulbs planted there, and thought about what was going on be
neath the snow. I could almost feel the stirring and rumbling of those impatient bulbs preparing to burst forth. I feel that same energy here as one idea after another is shared and enthusiasm grows. And here the soil is so fertile. This church is blessed with people with such big hearts.
What we are talking about are relationships, partnerships and purpose, but also about joy and fun and friendships all things that draw people in, that make people want to be a part of such a community.
I don’t know if many of you have seen The Boston Public Garden in Spring, but it would take your breath away. May it be the same here as your Spring arrives.
I am reminded of the words of Frederick Buechner, writer, theologian and Presbyterian minister:
“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.“
God bless you on this journey.
Pastor Beth