Author: Webmaster
Pastors Message – September, 2014
Dear Friends, We live in a world that promotes enterprise, global movements through power and authority. Even the Christian church, under Constantine in 303AD, was an empire. Surely, Jesus preached the kingdom, yet I don’t think he envisioned it as an authoritarian, imperialistic, powerful empire. Do we ever feel insignificant in this world? When Jesus talked of the mustard seed parable he wasn’t just talking about how little things turn into larger things. Perhaps he was speaking more about how insignificant things can actually have an extraordinary effect or presence. The mustard see was actually a "weed seed" in Palestine. The Jewish Mishnah forbids sowing these seeds because they are useless annoying weeds that take over the fields. Yes, in some ways we are rejected, insignificant outcasts in the world’s eyes. Loving the loveless and hopeless, feeding the hungry, welcoming and respecting the unwanted are NOT insignificant actions in the world. If God sows you in a field you will make a difference whether you or anyone else believes it. Being like Christ is surely not impressive to some, but it will transform the world one of us at a time. We, like the mustard seed, must realize our ability to do little things with great love. Keep the faith. See you in church, |