Rev. Denise Stone
Members and Friends,
These last five+ months have certainly seen a dramatic change in all of our daily lives. How we have operated as a church required us to adapt to many changes, including new avenues of Worship and relationships with one another. This has not been an easy time for anyone, but I am encouraged by how you have responded to the challenges our world has presented to us.
I am indebted to the work of our “Get-Back-Together” committee and hope you will also express your gratitude to them for all they have done.
While the doors to our church are not ready to open yet, we are close to getting there (tentative date – Sunday November 1). When the Committee and the Session believe that we can return to in-person worship in a reasonably safe manner as led by science, our denominational leadership and our own consciences, the following guidelines will be in place.
- Please consider your own risk factors and personal comfort when returning to our sanctuary. Health guidelines recommend if you have high-risk health issues or are over 65 that you continue worshiping from home through our live portals on Zoom and social media sites.
- Please do not come to church if you are feeling ill or have a temperature over 100F.
- Please wash your hands prior to arrival.
- You are expected to wear a mask for the duration of the service and use hand sanitizer. In the narthex there will be a hand sanitizing station and extra masks will be available for those who arrive without one. Additional sanitizer will be available in the sanctuary.
- Upon arrival, you will be expected to observe social distancing rules by maintaining at least six feet between yourself and others. Please enter the pews from the center aisle, take a seat quickly and express your greetings to others from a distance.
- There will be changes in the sanctuary to ensure social distancing. Every other pew will be taped off; the rocking chairs will remain in pairs at the back wall. Family members may sit together; individuals must maintain at least six feet from others in all directions.
- Paper bulletins will not be available. The order of service, announcements, etc. will be visible on a large projection screen. Please submit any announcements you wish to make to Pastor Denise prior to the service. The hand-held microphone will not be used.
- Hymnals and pew bibles will not be available. You may bring your own bible if you wish. We will not be singing hymns in our traditional way; Valerie will provide musical alternatives for us to still enjoy our rich history of song.
- Collection plates will not be passed during the service. One will be in the back of the sanctuary for you to leave your offering. Since we won‘t be passing the jars for Pennies from Heaven either, please consider a monthly donation to Habitat for Humanity with your offering.
- For the safety of all, we will not pass the peace, shake hands or come in contact with others.
- Free standing fans have been removed and the overhead fan will not be used. Windows and doors will be opened as weather permits.
- On Communion Sundays, for those who wish to participate, a packaged set of communion elements will be available as you enter the sanctuary.
- If you need to use a restroom, you are asked to enter the area through the Church Street or kitchen doors rather than passing through the sanctuary. NOTE: The bathrooms are now limited to one occupant at a time. You must wash your hands and disinfect any surface you touch. Appropriate signage and supplies will be in place.
- After the benediction, as dismissed by the ushers, please leave the church one pew at a time, starting from the back. As you are able, please exit via the outside aisles, and remember to maintain social distancing. There will be no coffee hour until further notice.
These are not hard requests, but they are different, and will make our worship time together feel different. I hope you will follow these requests as we continue to strive to love and care for one another.
Pastor Denise
Dear Church Family,
It has been has been almost 6 months now since we last met in person. Over these several months Denise and I have learned about Zoom meetings, live streaming, iPhone recordings and various other technologies – more things than we ever imagined needing to know simply to be able to provide a worshipful environment each week. I’m certain many of you have learned more than you ever wanted to know about online meetings too. During this period, we have been incredibly blessed by this congregation. Both Denise and I have received so many positive comments and encouraging words. Many of you have thanked us for all we have done but I assure you that it only comes together because of the love and generous spirit we receive from the congregation. We thank you for all of your prayers, your encouraging words, your simply “being there” for us through each week.
I know that you each are struggling to define new feelings and to meet our individual needs. While we feel God brought us here to offer comfort and care to this congregation, we have received so much more than we have provided. Thank you all for your care, concern and love for us, for each other.
While we continue to live through this extraordinary time, may God bless each of you in extraordinary ways.
With Thanksgiving and Joy,