Pastors Message – May/June, 2020

Rev. Denise Stone
It has certainly been an interesting last couple of months. I miss seeing each of you in person. Zoom and Facebook Live allow us to continue to worship with one another, but it is not quite how we would all like it to be. I know you miss seeing each other and hugging and shaking hands.
It may still be a couple of months before churches are given the nod to gather in groups for Worship. We are in a holding pattern.
That is an interesting picture for me – a holding pattern. Often that term is used of planes waiting to land or to take off from airports – marking the ending or beginnings of journeys. Perhaps that is how we need to view this time in the life of our church, our country and our world – as a holding pattern.
We know that Journeys begin and end, but they need planning first. I encourage you to take time now to plan your journey. Think about how God can use you know and when we “open back up.” Spend time reading God’s Word. Spend time in Worship with us on Zoom or Facebook Live or privately on Sunday Mornings. Join us during the week for our Midday Devotions. All of these are ways we can use this time to deepen our faith and commitment to God and to our communities.
Know that you are being prayed for and thought about, by me, by the leadership of the church and by one another.
Pastor Denise