EDITOR’S NOTE: Ruth Price, Rev. Rick’s mother, passed away on September 15. She always referred to our church as her “home away from home” and enjoyed worshipping with us when she visited Rick, Gigi, Zach, and Annie. This month’s Pastor’s Letter is a reprint (updated) of Rick’s RED DOOR message from October 2011, on the occasion of his mom’s eighty-fifth birthday.
“Age doesn’t protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age.” Jeanne Moreau
“transition: a passing from one condition, form, stage, activity, place, etc., to another.” Webster’s Dictionary
This October 4th [would have been] my Mother’s 89th birthday. She has been blessed with many good years. She has done very well, going through the death of my Dad when she was just 60. She has traveled all over the world to stay in touch with her children and grandchildren. Allow me to say, “Thanks Mom for all of your unconditional love, and steadfast and continued support.”
Fall is upon us. The leaves are changing and the trees are becoming bare in preparation for the winter. Once again I become introspective about all the changes in my life. One has said “change is one of the only constants in life.” How we deal with all the changes either causes us to become isolated and bitter or helps us to gain wisdom and hope.
Paul says in Corinthians “that we see in a mirror dimly” (I Corinthians 13:12). We struggle to see life’s purposes; we often only see them through a mist or a fog. There are some who speak as if they know it all. They apparently see through a crystal clear mirror. I am ever leery of those people. In Romans, Paul continues to say that “nothing can separate us from the love of Christ” (Romans 8:35). Imagine that if you will for a moment. Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. Nothing! Neither ourselves nor our limitations can separate us from the love of Christ. It is a comfort for me to place my faith in that assurance.
So, as we struggle on this journey we call faith, sometimes seeing dimly, if we stumble, may we always fall into the loving arms of Christ who will carry us if needed.
Blessed assurance, Peace to all, and Mom, I love you and hope you are at peace.
