Pastors Message – November/December, 2019
Notes from Pastor Denise

As we are moving into Fall and the upcoming Holiday Season, I have been enjoying the change of colors in our area. The colors and the scenery have been breathtaking.
Around every turn I am reminded of God’s power and majesty. I am in awe at the gifts from God as evidenced in creation.
This brought to mind the hymn I learned as a child – He’s Everything To Me. This song is based on Psalm 8. Verses 3-4 say, “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?”
God does care. The God who created the universe saw fit to give of God’s self in the form of Jesus Christ so that we could enjoy eternity in God’s presence.
There is much about the world that is in need of grace and mercy. Yet knowing that though Fall will give way to Winter, unless Christ returns before this, we know that Spring will come again with the promise of renewed life.
May the changing of the seasons remind you of God’s love and care. May you be reminded that God loves you.
Pastor Denise