Sermon – July 14, 2019

Sometimes the Spirit Says “No.”
We learn from Paul and his companions in this passage that sometimes we encounter roadblocks to our plans and that can mean the Spirit of God has better plans for us. In this sermon we explore the following points:

  • First, a good plan is not always the right plan.
  • Second, we need humility to recognize when God says “No.”
  • Third, we need to be open to a new direction.
  • And finally, we need Perseverance to find and do God’s will.

In most cases, these steps are not quick. We may need to spend a little time waiting for direction from the Holy Spirit. We may need to be willing to admit that sometimes the Spirit says, “No,” because God has something better planned for us.

Sermon – July 7, 2019

Who Will Answer the Spirit’s Call?
Acts 13:1-4
The early church in Antioch (in Syria) were gathered for worship when the Spirit of God leads them to set apart Saul and Barnabas for a new ministry.
Answering the Spirit’s call, the Good News of Jesus Christ begins to travel to the “ends of the earth.” God has always been in the business of calling people for God’s service – the Patriarch Abraham, to the Old Testament Prophets to the early church to us. Who will listen and answer the Spirit’s call?