Pastors Message – February, 2017

Dear Friends,
In the season of Epiphany when we celebrated The Magi’s journey to see the Christ child we were reminded of our own journeys to healing and to wholeness, whether individually or collectively. As was true with the Wise Men, we too at times need to reassess and alter our routes. Our destination will not change, but the paths most assuredly will.
To embark upon our journey, we must stay alert and present to where we are being guided. We must travel with open hearts and open eyes and listening ears.
Today that is where we as a church find ourselves. Fortunately, we have been given markers, what I like to think of as cairns, those human-made piles of stones you can find along trails pointing you in the right direction.
First, it is important that we understand that when a pastor leaves, the congregation can lose its balance and may lose sight of its focus. If this is the case, we must steer ourselves back on course understanding that it takes time for the pangs of grief to subside. In December we hosted a Blue Christmas service for those dealing with any type of loss or grief who find the season less than merry. Moving on after grief and loss is difficult but it is possible with God’s help.
Second, before moving into the future we must look to the past. It is a time to celebrate the congregation’s joys and successes, but also to deal with painful stories that might keep it from functioning at its best. In December we began this process as you shared stories of when and why you chose to attend or to join this church.
Third, we begin the task of discovering a new identity. Remember that we worship a God who, in Christ, is continually “doing a new thing.” Paul in his letter to the Corinthians, “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see everything has become new!” (2Cor. 5:17). Who are we? Where are we being called to partner with God in the transformation of our world? What is our mission?
Fourth, we can take advantage of opportunities to engage with the Denomination. It may just prove to be a good time to better understand and embrace our denominational identity. This Fall Karen and Galer Perreault and I attended a regional Presbytery meeting hosted by North Presbyterian Church in Elmira. I am hopeful that more members will attend and participate in these gatherings.
A key component in this journey forward is commitment. I am not just referring to the ever essential commitment of money, time and talents, but something deeper. If you have not already, I encourage you to consider taking an important step and to become a committed Member of this church, this body of Christ.
As you move through this process of transition you will in time elect a Pastor Nominating Committee, a PNC, made up of thoughtful, trusted and committed church leaders. At that point you should have a better understanding of where you are going, and the type of minister who can best walk into the future with you, keeping in mind that any decision must be financially sustainable.
There is certainly work to be done and it will not be easy, but with these few markers illuminated by the divine light of the Holy Spirit we will find our way.
Pastor Beth