Pastors Message – May, 2015

Dear friends,

The size of a church is not an indication of its service to the global and local communities. I continue to give my heart and soul to this church and the communities around it and am ever thankful for you who continue to garciously and humbly give your heart and soul as well.


Pastors Message – April, 2015

Dear friends,

Our Lenten season started with Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist during which he experiences the indwelling of the spirit of God. Soon after Jesus found himself wandering the desert wilderness symbolic of his suffering with us. Christ became a wounded healer who is able to feel the pain and suffering of the world. Jesus walks with us through our brokenness. Through Jesus we, too, have the capacity to become healers. As we journey through the Lenten Season and Holy Week let us not celebrate Easter as Jesus’ escape from suffering and injustice. Rather let us realize his need to not let suffering and injustice be the final word. Let us practice resurrection in our everyday lives. Know that there is hope through Jesus Christ.

"The Spirit does indeed fill Jesus with authority and healing power, but does not make him a superman; it participates in his weakness, his suffering, and his death on he cross." Jurgen Moltmann
