Dear Friends, The lazy, hazy days of summer are upon us. Life seems to slow down a bit. But the reality is that not much changes in consideration of the needs of a hurting society. There remain among us those who struggle with faith, mourn the broken and lost, are hungry and homeless, and live in war-torn areas. Rest assured, in hope, the words of the Lord shall not pass away. Life carries on. Before we know it, it will be fall. Jesus often walked with his friends and disciples using nature to teach us spirtual truths. He spoke of the Kingdom of God being near and all around us. Do we continue to be aware of God’s presence in the warmth of the sun and cleansing of the rain? Do we listen for God’s words in the whipering wind? Are we alive or dead in this season of great growth? Great Creator help us to help others on this journey we call faith. Peace, |
"O for a summer noon, when light and breeze
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