Rev. Beth Frigard
Dear Friends,
Fall has most certainly arrived and settled in. The vibrant colors have faded to a lovely more muted hue. To me, it always seems a good time to sit back and reflect on our lives, to recall where we have been, who has walked with us, what we have learned, how over the years we have grown, and yes, continue to grow. I trust that as the years pass we grow in wisdom, in love, in compassion and yes, in patience and in appreciation. It can be sad or melancholy time, but most I find that I am filled with gratitude.
I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to get to know many of you as I settle into your church home. It has truly been a blessing. I am grateful for my week studying The Art of Transitional Ministry at Princeton Seminary and pray that it will prove to have been of value to the church and its future.
This is not just a season for reflection, it is a season to look ahead to celebration, to Thanksgiving and to Christmas, to times with family and friends. I am hopeful that together we can focus on the celebration and help one another to alleviate the frenzy and the stress that can so easily detract from the joy.
We are people of joy and of light and of endless possibilities.
This season may the peace of Christ be with us and the love of God sustain us we look back with appreciation and look ahead with boundless hope.
Pastor Beth
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